Volunteer Hours Frequently Asked Questions
Whether you help plan a party or fundraiser, help with field trips, Kiddie Kloset, crafts, or even chair a committee, it has a positive impact. Children, parents, and the community see your involvement and how committed you are to giving the best to your kids. This is an opportunity for you to showcase your unique talents, become involved, meet other parents, and make a difference!
Q. What are volunteer hours?
A. Volunteer hours are defined as time spent engaged in PTA business, such as attending meetings, doing committee work, or working at PTA functions. We do require every member to do a minimum of 3 hours a year, but we strongly encourage each member to volunteer their time and talents more often when possible (ask about joining one of our committees)! The success of our organization depends on its members volunteering to help.
Q. How do I report my hours?
A. Complete the volunteer hours form below. It is important that we track volunteer hours, as we must report this information to Ohio and National PTA. Each member is responsible for personally reporting his/her hours online.
Q. Do I earn anything for my volunteer hours?
A. YES! When a member reports the accrual of 10 volunteer hours, he/she will receive $5 towards field trip activities. If an additional 20 volunteer hours are accrued and reported, the member will receive another $5 worth. Members who accrue more than 30 volunteer hours will be recognized at the end of the year party. Volunteer hours do not roll from year to year.
Q. How much credit do I earn for ...?
Attending a general meeting |
One (1) volunteer hour (for the business portion of the meeting only) is earned for each general meeting attended. Offsite holiday party or end-of-the-year party are not included |
Hosting a playgroup |
One (1) volunteer hour per playgroup hosted, regardless of how long the playgroup lasts or how much time you spend preparing. |
Providing a sunshine meal, bake sale item, or Community Cares donation |
One half (1/2) hour |
Planning a NRECHPTA event: field trip, adult outing, children’s party, guest speaker, preschool fair, etc. |
Enter the amount of time you devoted to planning this event. If the amount of time is greater than two (2) hours, you must obtain approval from the executive board first. |
Advertising NRECHPTA events; putting up yard sign, making flyers, etc. |
One half (1/2) hour |